Clinic for Traditional Chinese Medicine Z.G. Yang
Welcome to TCM Praktijk Z.G. Yang, a clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, moxatherapy, herbal medicine, cupping, Guasha therapy, en Tuina massage, exercise of Taiji, Qigong, and dietary therapy. etc.
Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world, originated over 3,000 years ago in China. According to traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture points are located on meridians through which Qi vital energy runs. The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metallic needles, these needles can be stimulated by the hands or combined with burning moxa sticks (classic acupuncture), and in modern time, often stimulated with electrical or laser device (modern acupuncture), these different methods of stimulating needles bring extra acupuncture effect according to energy conditions which can be identified by TCM diagnosis (including pulse and tongue analysis), the intent is that by identifying and changing the energetic patterns that cause the disorders, the person is then more efficiently healed of their symptoms as well as the diseases.
Acupuncture is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine in the West. In the Netherlands, acupuncture treated by qualified acupuncturist is mostly covered under “alternatief geneeswijze” by healthcare insurance company. see Acupuncture Reimbursement List.
Most important effects of acupuncture and herbal medicine:
1. Pain and inflammation management, arthritis, lumbago, headaches, recurrent cystitis or coryza, etc.;
2. Relief of allergic problems and improvement of immunity, such as eczema, dermatitis, allergic asthma, hay fever, etc.
3. Recovery and maintenance of energy balance, such as chronic fatigue, recurrent bronchitis, depression, insomnia, etc.
Acupuncture indications List published by WHO (World Health Organization)
As an acupuncturist working in the Netherlands, I am a registered member of Dutch Acupuncture Association since 1990. Besides clinical work, I am also a senior lecturer of several European acupuncture schools:
- European Academy of Traditional Medical Science en Dutch Acupuncture Academy, Amsterdam;
- Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Amsterdam;
- Nei-Jing Acupuncture School in Netherland;
- Herbal Education at Bao Ku institue in Utrecht;
- Jing-Ming College in Belgium;
- Hara Shiatsu school in Austria
The clinic meets the required hygienic standard, all acupuncture needles used are disposal.
As a Chinese doctor/acupuncturist/herbalist, I finished all medical educations in China between 1973 and 1980, which involved both western modern medical knowledge and traditional Chinese medicine. I worked 7 years in different municipal hospitals in Shanghai till 1987.
In the end of 1987 I came to the Netherlands and worked at academic hospital in Groningen for a joint medical research project of acupuncture pain management.
Later on I moved to Hilversum and established my own TCM practice. Between 1993 and 1999 I regularly gave teachings on acupuncture and herbal medicine at different TCM schools in Holland, Belgium, and Austria.
As a qualified and registered member of the Professional Acupuncture Association of The Netherlands (N.V.A.), all acupuncture treatments in my clinic can be reimbursed by most medical insurance companies in the Netherlands.
My mother language is Chinese, but I can speak English and Dutch fluently.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Contact information:
- Address: Wolvenlaan 30,
- Postcode: 1216 DA
- City/town: Hilversum
- Country: The Netherlands
- Clinic tel. 035-6237753
- Mobile: 06-38353738
- e-mail:
- First consultation: € 100, including intake interview, examination, diagnosis, and treatment, duration approximately 60 minutes
- Follow-up consultation: € 65 conversation and acupuncture treatment approximately 40 minutes
- Consult (online) for herbs and / or nutritional advice: € 35, – call and prescription approximately 20 minutes
Working hours:
- Monday: 10.00 – 20.00
- Tuesday: 10.00 – 18.00
Please first make a contact for an appointment by phone or e-mail before you come to visit.
There are enough free parking places in front of the clinic.
All reasonable attempts have been made to provide accurate and recent information, but it is not necessarily comprehensive, and information is of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual.
Self-diagnosis is not recommended and internet-based advice is no substitute for a face-to-face visit with a healthcare practitioner.
Links from this web site are provided for information and convenience only. We cannot accept responsibility for the sites linked to, or the information found there.